Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Gabriel questions Union's actions

Nov. 9, 2010


New Castle has no interest in merging or sharing services with the Union Area School District.

The city school board will vote tomorrow to emphasize that point when it amends a resolution on a state-sponsored, nonbinding feasibility study.

The move would exclude Union from any scenario involving New Castle.

Nonsense, unprofessional and disturbing were some of the terms school board members and administrators used to discuss Union’s approach in rejecting a similar study.

“They’ve had two or three meetings, and they keep on hammering New Castle,” Superintendent George Gabriel said.

“Someone on that board needs to step up and say, ‘We’re talking about a feasibility study for merging county schools. We’re not talking about the quality of education delivered at New Castle.’”

A flier circulated throughout the township called for residents “to stop this study and save our community.” The handbill suggested the school district was in jeopardy if it moved forward and could lead to a merger with New Castle.

Union’ school board declined to participate Thursday in a 6-3 vote. During the debate, New Castle’s reputation was battered.

“Somehow, we became the focal point of this whole discussion,” Gabriel said. “We don’t belong there. We were sitting by, minding our own business ... and they approached us.”

Gabriel provided the New Castle News with an e-mail dated Aug. 24. It was signed by Union Superintendent Alfonso Angelucci and Mohawk Superintendent Kathleen Kwolek.

Angelucci sent the correspondence to Gabriel and the county’s five other superintendents.

“Some of our board members are hesitant to deal with possible objections by our respective community members, but feel that the study may provide us with valuable information to help us operate at maximum efficiency,” Angelucci wrote.

“At this time, we would like to know if any of you, through your discussions with your school boards, are interested in being a part of a joint feasibility study with Union, Mohawk, and possibly New Castle.”

Gabriel said he would not allow the district to be compared to some type of plague. He touted the graduates New Castle has produced.

“That’s because they got a good, solid education in the New Castle Area School District,” he said. “Our graduates will continue to make an impact in the future.

“This success does not come from the students of a substandard school system like the Union Area School District is trying to portray us.”

Dr. Marilyn Berkely, a member of the New Castle School Board, said Union’s handling of the matter was done in poor taste.

“The people who come into my office from Union think they’re totally right,” she said. “They have one nice street up there, and those are the people that complain.

“You’re cutting your throat. They bad-mouthed Mohawk a little bit, too. They didn’t want any part of them.”

Berkely said she also praises New Castle’s facilities as being the best.

“They said, ‘Yeah, but look who’s in them.’”

That prompted a reaction from another board member, Anna Pascarella.

“It’s called diversity. It’s what a lot of people need to be familiar with. Private sectors are into diversity.

“Universities and colleges are huge into diversity, whether you like it or not.”

Gabriel said he questioned whether the districts can work together.

“The unfounded attitudes and perceptions portrayed by these citizens indicate a lack of respect and support. I believe we can never, ever — based on what I’ve heard to date — generate any type of support or respect.”

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