Saturday, October 30, 2004

HE SAID, SHE SAID: Cast a vote for good taste, America, and elect to skip this column

Pat Litowitz
and Lisa Micco

Happy days are here again
Watch the Bush twins guzzle gin
As Bill Clinton lives in sin
Happy days are here again

Everyone shout “Michael Moore’s a louse!”
He wants George Dubya out of the House
See Teresa Heinz kick her spouse
Happy days are here again

A show of hands, please. How many of you will be voting in order to avoid pollsters, campaign commercials and Teresa Heinz Kerry?

Just what we thought. Pretty much everyone.

So join us in endorsing this message — “GO AWAY AND LEAVE US ALONE!”

Thank goodness Election Day is near. Seems like everyone is getting testy.

Issues such as the war in Iraq, the economy, terrorism, abortion and gay rights are creating a whirlwind of activism. Everyone wants to have their say, including New Castle News editors Pat Litowitz and Lisa Micco.

Rallying the masses with their “Hey, Is It Time to Eat?” platform, our electorally challenged duo urge everyone to vote on Tuesday. Too bad they won’t be handing out cans of Cheese Whiz and Ho-Hos at the polls.

Join Pat and Lisa as they discuss “Cash and Kerry — Register Eight” or “Welcome to the Bush Leagues.”

LITOWITZ: Did you know the New Castle News was a part of the liberal media?

MICCO: I must have missed that meeting.

LITOWITZ: Well, it was for upper management only. That’s why you didn’t get an invite.

MICCO: And how do you qualify as upper management? Please tell me it has nothing to do with butt kissing.

LITOWITZ: How else does one work one’s way up the corporate ladder?

MICCO: And yet I’m not surprised.

LITOWITZ: But seriously, our readers have this impression The News is a Democrat-leaning newspaper that hates Republicans. Rumor has it that the New York Times and Washington Post tell us whom to support. I wish that were the case.

MICCO: I was always told that The News’ editorial board reviews the candidates and issues at hand. They painstakingly discuss the merits of each person and come up with an educated decision. Finally, an editorial declaring The News’ choice for that elected position is presented to the readers.

LITOWITZ: You’re joking, right?

MICCO: How else do you pick a candidate?

LITOWITZ: Pixie dust — and lots of it. You see, The News has this super-secret group known as the Coalition of Liberals Espousing Socialism, Loathing and Whining. COLESLAW, for short.

MICCO: Couldn’t you pick a more appealing acronym? Such as CHOCOLATE.

LITOWITZ: Can’t use that one. The Cordoroy-Hating Organization Championing Oriental Lingerie and Tight Eveningwear claimed it first.

MICCO: Whatever.

LITOWITZ: So, I’m under the impression that COLESLAW meets in a smoky back room with plenty of alcohol served. Boy, was I wrong. It was a 10-minute meeting in the men’s room. The News policy forbids smoking and boozing on company time. And there was this environmentalist in the group who kept whining about clean air. Talk about being disillusioned.

MICCO: Well, you were in a restroom. I guess the world of politics was too much for you. So, how do you pick a candidate?

LITOWITZ: I was kidding about the pixie dust. We actually used a Magic 8 Ball. I kept asking it, “Will George W. be re-elected as president?” The ball responded, “Ask Again Later.” After getting the same answer 10 times in a row, we decided to go with Kerry.

MICCO: You should’ve tried a Ouija board.

LITOWITZ: News company policy prohibits the use of a spiritual medium. Besides, we used all the money in petty cash for the Magic 8 Ball.

MICCO: Speaking of cash, what is up with all these television ads? It’s pretty bad when Viagra commercials take a back seat to political propaganda.

LITOWITZ: And you thought Viagra was long lasting.

MICCO: I can’t wait until Election Day is over. These TV and radio ads are such a turn-off. Like I want to see two grown men smack each other.

LITOWITZ: First off, Teresa Heinz Kerry in a two-piece bathing suit is a turn-off. Dick Cheney in a Speedo is disgusting. These commercials are just irritating. As an aside, the Bush twins are hot. And that’s what I’m basing my vote on.

MICCO: Glad to see you put great thought into your choice and you’re voting on the issues.

LITOWITZ: Be honest, what’s the difference between Bush and Kerry? They’re both rich, white and powerful.

MICCO: Yes, but one can speak in complete sentences.

LITOWITZ: When you have money, why waste your time on words? I take that back — there is a difference between Bush and Kerry. Bush doesn’t mind being wealthy, while Kerry feels guilty about it.

MICCO: They’re both out of touch with the common folk. That’s why they keep coming back to Ohio and Pennsylvania — to shoot their guns, eat at roadside diners and feel our pain. For once, I’d like to see a candidate who earned his degree at a state university, didn’t have a trust fund and drives a rusted-out Cavalier.

LITOWITZ: So, you want to elect me? I feel honored.

MICCO: Actually, I was thinking about voting for Joe Walsh. He did run for president in 1980 and promised “free gas for everyone.” With gas prices hovering at $2 a gallon, he’s got my vote.

LITOWITZ: My name is Pat Litowitz and I approve of this column.

MICCO: My name is Lisa Micco. I don’t.

Copyright (c) 2004, New Castle News

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